Monday, July 13, 2009

Ok, so I’m not fat, but…

6-Week Fitness Challenge

Day 1

When I get in conversations about physical fitness, I’ve observed that some of the people around me think I have nothing to complain about because I’m not fat. So, I understand their objection and laugh it off, but seriously, I think we all could be a bit more concerned about our health and fitness.

Sometimes people are looking for a six-pack. Or they are trying to drop 10 pounds. Or she wants to look good in a two-piece. All those things are fine and good, but after examining myself over the last few weeks, I’ve realized the thing I want most from myself in my fitness routine is simply this…consistency. I want to build a lifestyle where I exercise and eat healthy each and every day.

Now, don’t get me wrong; I’m in decent physical condition. I can play ball for a while without passing out, I can still jog on the treadmill at a moderate speed without falling off, and I can still see my feet when I look down. BUT, I’ve had knee problems since I was 15, and back problems since I was 16. I also have a genetic history of health issues that are common to the black community. Both my father and mother were/are diabetic with high blood pressure. And I know from experience that when I am physically active and eating healthy on a consistent basis, both my physical and genetic concerns are quieted.

So, with those things in mind, I think its time I devoted myself to a physically fit lifestyle. Beginning today, my goal for the next 42 days is to exercise in some form every day. I started today by going to Gold’s Gym to hit the weights (which I haven’t done in several months). Also, each week of this challenge I am going to fast from/let go of something I enjoy in order to slowly purify my diet. For week 1, I will be giving up fast food; which means, with the exception of Sundays, I will not consume any McDonald’s, Burger King, Wendy’s, etc. at least until August 24, exactly one week before I hit the big 3-0.

Follow me on this journey, and if you’re game, join me and let’s motivate. My wife has agreed to do this with me, so I’m already excited that I have the best partner I could have. But, the more the merrier, so let’s do this!


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